Finding all 16 can be a huge pain, and if you’re wondering exactly when you’ll be able to get them all, here’s a quick (and complete) list of all their locations.

Some are just in the environment, while others have to be found in more creative ways. The Psitanium Knife can be found in the Quarry within the cave near Lilis Garden in Psychonauts 2. You’ll have to perform weird little mini-games or interact with objects you might not even know you can interact with. Mini Murder Bug Bot: Reach Nona’s River House and take the ladder up. Psychonauts 2 scavenger hunt video guide shows you where to find all 16 items from Norma's list, so you can complete this optional quest and get your old clo. Some of these artifacts are extremely difficult to find. Green Needle Gulch Scavenger Hunt Locations. Circle around the back to get this helmet. This is the place the Most Excellent Game starts out in. Viking Helmet: Take the left path from the Heptadome until you find a small theater with an old van.

It is where the cabins are and the treehouse where Coach Oleander hosts his Basic Braining class.
#Psychonauts 2 scavenger hunt locations how to
Your fellow interns will challenge you to a Scavenger Hunt - to find 16 “important” artifacts. Psychonauts 2 is filled with optional missions Raz can embark on throughout his adventure to stop the evil Maligula's return, from a lengthy scavenger hunt to a wild goose chase to find his music. Psychonauts 2 All Scavenger Hunt Item Locations How to find all the Mission Critical Psychonauts Assets for Norma. For more on Psychonauts 2, here’s everything needed to complete the Scavenger Hunt quest and unlock the Psychonauts 1 Raz skin and all the Queepie locations in the game. The Kids Cabins is an area in Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp. Very early in Psychonauts 2, you’ll get an optional mission that’s impossible to beat until much later in the game.