Go Getters's SIC code is: 4212 - Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking Description for 4212 Local Trucking Without StorageĮstablishments primarily engaged in furnishing trucking or transfer services without storage for freight generally weighing more than 100 pounds, in a single municipality, contiguous municipalities, or a municipality and its suburban areas.

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Written by Aaron Abrams and Brendan Gall.
Hence my hunch that a weekly dose of Owen, Lacie, Kevin and Cerebral Pauly might actually work, TV already having proved with shows like Arrested Development that we don’t have to “like” characters to like them.

And yet, once you’ve absorbed their collective horribleness, the characters start to grow on you – just about in time for the movie to end. There’s every reason to hate The Go-Getters and everybody in it. Sample un-PC character: a pimp in the bar nicknamed Cerebral Paulie ( James Cade), so named because he incurred a brain injury while driving drunk and now suffers from palsy. Most people will find Owen and Lacie’s story off-putting initially (and maybe entirely as well), but It is so over-the-top in its characterizations and plot turns that you have to be impressed by the movie’s determination to offend. So, like a rejected Trailer Park Boys episode, we watch two low-lives try everything from mugging pan-handlers to rigging up a glory-hole in Kevin’s bar to finance their bus-tickets. The obstacle: the $98 in bus fare it would take both of them to get there. So without moral guilt, we can laugh at every mishap that befalls them as they concoct a life-changing scheme that involves leaving Toronto for Brockville (where they plan to more or less take over the house belonging to Lacie’s grandmother). How deplorable? On meeting Lacie, Owen agrees to give her $5 for a sexual service – the same $5 he stole from her bra when he found her comatose on a bathroom floor in the first place. But every effort is made to show that these two are so deplorable, they are clearly authors of their own predicament. Sure, it’s a movie that squeezes laughs out of the plight of the homeless (Owen’s exasperated brother Kevin, played by Kristian Bruun, does allow them to sleep on a filthy mattress in the leaky boiler room of his bar). I also may be getting deeper than director Jeremy LaLonde (Baroness von Sketch Show) and writers Abrams and Brendan Gall ever intended. Anger seems to be the fallback emotion for both, and may be the connective tissue that draws them to each other.

Actually, quotes around “love” might be in order, since Owen and Lacie aren’t exactly into warm-feels.